Just 8 km (5 mi) from Oaxaca City, is situated the town of San Bartolo Coyotepec (Coyotepec comes from the word ‘coyotl’ meaning coyote, and ‘Tepec’ meaning hill), famous worldwide for the production of various black pottery products, that are hand made and baked in an underground oven.
The black clay is extracted from a spot near the village, and has special properties, that upon baking takes on a completely black color and crystalline sound that characterizes this pottery.
Previously, the artistry of black pottery wasn’t very attractive to visitors and buyers, until Doña Rosa came on the scene. It was she who accidentally discovered that the pottery could be polished with quartz stones, to give it a smooth and shiny finish. Therefore, Doña Rosa won the recognition of artists, Mexican and foreign collectors, making her workshop the most famous in Coyotepec.