Useful telephone numbers of Cuernavaca
Useful telephone numbers for the tourist, emergency phone numbers, tourist aid in Cuernavaca
Highway Assistance and Tourist Help (Angeles Verdes-Green Angels)
Servicio Telefónico Exclusivo-Phone Service Only-Service Téléphonique
Central Fire Station
777 322 8753
Blvd. del Lago s/n Col. Flores Magón
Fire Department Zapata Sub-Station
012 777 374 5099
Av. Zapata s/n
Mexican Red Cross
777 315 3505
RÃo Pánuco esq. Amatzinac Col. Volcanes
Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS)
777 315 5000
Av. Plan de Ayala s/n esq. Av. Central Col. Flores Magón
National Immigration Institute
777 315 7464
1era Privada de la Luz No. 25 Col. Chapultepec
Emergencies Police
Servicio Telefónico Exclusivo-Phone Service Only-Service Téléphonique
Preventive Police Department
777 322 4889, 777 322 0256
Km. 90 Carr. 95 Libramiento Cuernavaca Col. Satélite
Federal Prosecutor for the Protection of the Consumer (PROFECO)
777 314 5922, 777 314 5670
Av. Atlacomulco No. 76 Col. Acapantzingo
Light Fault Report (CFE)
Servicio Telefónico Exclusivo-Phone Service Only-Service Téléphonique