Places to visit in Saltillo

University Cultural Heritage Exhibition, Old Bank Purcell

University Cultural Heritage Exhibition, Old Bank Purcell

University Cultural Heritage Exhibition, Old Bank Purcell

(844) 410 9705, (844) 410 9702.

Hidalgo, Centro, Saltillo, Chih.. 25000.


Tuesday through Sunday 10:00 am - 06:00 pm


The building now occupied by the University Cultural Heritage site of the U.A. de C. has a history that dates back to the colonial era. Its oldest part is prior to 1680, perhaps in the first half of the 17th century.

Afterwards, the building was earmarked for housing and commerce. The house underwent many transformations over the next three centuries and the structure is obviously an eloquent witness to history.

Throughout the 20th century the property belonged to William Purcell, a British-born immigrant who devoted himself successfully to industry, commerce, mining, agriculture, and banking. The pillar of the economy of northeastern Mexico, he founded the Chamber of Commerce of Saltillo, Coahuila Bank, and Casa Purcell. In addition to their corporate offices, the site was the headquarters of the National Bank of Mexico, better known as Banco Purcell.

Today it is part of the university heritage. The University Cultural Heritage Exhibition, also known as Old Bank Purcell, presents an exhibition on the pictorial art of Mexico.

It attests to the period from the late 16th to early 17th centuries. It goes on to romanticism, with its strong nationalist tendency and preference for dark environments, illustrated with works produced at the Academy of San Carlos in the mid-19th century.
The current nationalist academic realism is also present with its most unique feature: the landscape, where the author interprets reality according to their personality and temperament.

Finally, it displays the many possibilities of modernism in Mexico whose cosmopolitan character is interpreted in the plastic expressions of Saturnino Herran, Ignacio Rosas and German Gedovius.

Open Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Free admission.


Photo Gallery

Antiguo Banco Purcell
Antiguo Banco Purcell
Antiguo Banco Purcell
Antiguo Banco Purcell
Antiguo Banco Purcell
Antiguo Banco Purcell
Antiguo Banco Purcell
Antiguo Banco Purcell
Antiguo Banco Purcell
Antiguo Banco Purcell

Location on map

(844) 410 9705, (844) 410 9702.

Hidalgo, Centro, Saltillo, Chih.. 25000.