Mazunte Mexico Turtle Center
Mazunte Mexico Turtle Center
Sea Turtles have taken on an important role in Mexican culture, but are found in danger of extinction. For that reason, since 1990 the federal government has decreed for the complete and permanent prohibition of this species, and a center for research and preservation in Oaxaca was began. The Mazunte Centro Mexicano de la Tortuga, is dedicated to spreading information about the biology, conservation, and legislation for the protection of these animals, and students can go there to do different academic projects. This center also helps to promote eco-tourism in the area. It has an aquarium, a multi-purpose room, and a botanical garden that exhibits cactaceous plants.
Hours: Wednesday to Saturday 10am to 4:30pm and Sunday 10am to 2:30pm. Cost to visit is $20 pesos.