Places to visit in Teotihuacan

The Citadel

The Citadel

The Citadel

Av. Piramides s/n , Teotihuacan , Teotihuacan , Edo. Mex.. 55800.

$ 3.50

Monday through Sunday 09:00 am - 05:00 pm


On one side and at the beginning of the famous Avenue of the Dead in the holy city of Teotihuacan, lies the ancient ceremonial center called The Citadel (La Citadela).

In this part of the archaeological site there is a plaza in the shape of a square almost 400 meters long on each side. At its center, there is a small stone structure that appears to be an ancient shrine.

The whole plaza is surrounded by walls and small pyramidal structures.

In the background lies the imposing Temple of Quetzalcoatl which on its facade has some stone heads representing the mythical feathered serpent.


Photo Gallery

Detail of the Temple of Quetzalcoatl
Detail of the Temple of Quetzalcoatl
Inah researchers found a tunnel leading to galleries to 12 m depth
Inah researchers found a tunnel leading to galleries to 12 m depth

Location on map

Av. Piramides s/n , Teotihuacan , Teotihuacan , Edo. Mex.. 55800.