Places to visit in San Luis Potosí

San Luís Potosí City of Light

San Luís Potosí City of Light

San Luís Potosí City of Light

centro Histórico, Centro, San Luís Potosí, S.L.P.. 78000.


All day.


Every day at sunset, the City of San Luís Potosi takes on an air of charming mysticism. Out of the deep, dark night, domes and towers radiate light, as if they were nearby stars. Installed in the Capital City as part of the Urban and Architectural Illumination Master Plan, these artificial lights create, under the dark vault of the heavens, beautiful, luminous buildings, seemingly constructed of brilliant gold and silver. The stone bricks of the city’s churches, theaters, gazebos and palaces are blanketed with light, glowing and glittering like shining moons and comets, before the eyes of passerbys.
The Capital City of San Luís Potosi is one of the select Cities of Light, forming part of the International Community of Urban Illumination (LUCI). The city was awarded third place during the annual International City People Light Award Competition, a contest which promotes the efficient use of electricity as an essential means of urban development. Among the 53 members that make up the international community of LUCI, important and renowned cities such as Paris, Montreal, Shanghai, Milan, Moscow and Philadelphia are included.



Photo Gallery

The Museum of Masks
The Museum of Masks
The Plaza de Armas
The Plaza de Armas
The San Luis Cathedral bells
The San Luis Cathedral bells
The San Luis Potosi Cathedral and the City Hall
The San Luis Potosi Cathedral and the City Hall
Peace Theater and the Carmen Plaza
Peace Theater and the Carmen Plaza

Location on map

centro Histórico, Centro, San Luís Potosí, S.L.P.. 78000.