The Montebello Lakes
The Montebello Lakes
Located 45 miles from the City of Comitan, the area of the Montebello Lakes was the first protected area in Chiapas in 1959.
The spectacular beauty it possesses makes it without doubt one of the most beautiful natural areas in the country due to the amazing elements of the water, both on the surface and underground, and the lusch surroundings of dense pine, oak and mixed forests with the conspicuous presence of bromeliads and orchids.
The lakes are "uvalas" or that is to say, old cenotes (sinkhole), that with the erosion of limestone and landslides have grown over time. Many of these lakes have no name and the exact number of them is uncertain, although it is said that there are 56.
They are famous for the color of their waters which is unique due to several factors, among which include the type of soil found at the bottom, the vegetation and the refraction of light.
There are two ways to enter the lakes area. The first leads to the grounds of the National Park itself, which houses; Emerald Lagoons, Enchanted Lake, Blue Forrest Lake, Dream Lake, and Tinted Lake, all surrounded by beautiful pine forests. Alongside them there are various services offering food, and exursions to San Rafael, a natural 131 foot arch over the area where the small stream known as the Paso del Soldado begins. The second road leads to Montebello Lagoons, Canada, Pojoj, Tziscao and Dos Lagoons, among others.
Tziscao Lake, one of the largest and deepest of the lakes, is on the border with Guatemala, and is 147 feet deep. Around its edges you can see a Chuj village. There will find places to stay, eat, and rent rafts. It is next to the poet Jaime Sabines Yuria Ranch National Park. The beauty of this area also inspired a Dr. Atl to propose creating there Olinca, the City of the Arts.
To get there by car:
the park is located within the area close to the city of Trinitaria e Independencia, near Guatemala. From the city of Tuxtla Gutierrez, the Chiapas state capital, take the Panamerican highway that leads to Comitan de Dominguez. Approximately 7.5 miles later, heading towards Ciudad Cuauhtemoc, you find the road that will take you to the Lagos de Montebello.
From San Cristobal de Las Casas: Within the city there are numerous travel agencies that offer tours daily of the Lagos de Montebello.
(Images provided by the State of Chiapas Secretary of Tourism for the promotion of the entity.)