Useful telephone numbers of Real de Catorce

Useful telephone numbers for the tourist, emergency phone numbers, tourist aid in Real de Catorce

  • Fire Department

    488 882 1012, 488 882 5606

    Guerrero No. 515 Ote. Col. Lagunita Matehuala, S.L.P.

  • Mexican Red Cross

    488 882 0726

    Ignacio Ramírez No. 36 Col. Centro Matehuala S.L.P.

  • General Hospital

    488 882 0445

    Hidalgo No. 200 Nte. Col. Centro Matehuala, S.L.P.

  • Police Headquarters

    488 887 5112

    Constitución No. 27 Col. Centro

  • Federal Highway Police

    488 882 0571, 488 882 0900, 488 882 7333

    Héroes Potosinos No. 1603 Fracc. El Gallo Matehuala, S.L.P.