The Casa del que Mato al Animal (House of He who killed the Animal), is located in a 16th century mansion. Only the original doorway or framing has been preserved, with an excellently carved plateresque (a richly decorated architectural style that combines Gothic and classical elements), that recreates hunting scenes and carvings from caves. Legend has it that a gigantic snake was ravaging the city and engulfed the son of the owner. The desperate father offered the hand of his lovely daughter to the man who killed the animal, who at last turned out to be a humble but courageous young man. The mansion belonged to Mayorazgo Perez Salazar, one of the oldest families in the city. The Casa del que Mató al Animal was modified in the 19th and 20th centuries, and is now home to a well-known newspaper. It is located just one block from the zocalo, and within walking distance of the Cathedral.