Useful telephone numbers of Mazatlán
Useful telephone numbers for the tourist, emergency phone numbers, tourist aid in Mazatlán
MZT Mazatlán Airport Rafael Buelna
01 (669) 982 2088, 982 2399
Carretera Internacional al sur S/N, Col. Aeropuerto
Consular Agency of Canada
669 913 7320
Avenida Playa Gaviotas 202, Local 9. Zona Dorada
Consular Agency of United States of America
669 916 5889
Hotel Playa Mazatlán. Playa Gaviotas No. 202. Zona Dorada
Highway Assistance and Tourist Help (Angeles Verdes-Green Angels)
078, 669 982 8740, 669 983 8875
Servicio Telefónico Exclusivo-Phone Service Only-Service Téléphonique
Central Fire Station No.1
669 981 2769, 669 981 3600
Av. Gabriel Leyva No.1935. Col. Montuosa
Fire Station No.2 Insurgentes Zone
669 983 9920, 669 984 0044
Av. Insurgentes y Munich No.72. Col. OlÃmpica
Mazatlán Harbor’s Master Office
669 982 8413, 669 982 1411
Calle Playa Carrizo No.300, Fracc. Playa Sur
Mexico’s Federal Commission of Electricity (CFE)
Servicio Telefónico Exclusivo-Phone Service Only-Service Téléphonique
Civil Protection
669 984 4499
Servicio Telefónico Exclusivo-Phone Service Only-Service Téléphonique
Mexican Red Cross in Mazatlán
065, 669 981 3690, 669 985 1451
Ave. Ignacio Zaragoza 1801. Col. Centro
Public Safety and Municipal Transit Department
669 984 4499, 669 985 3510
Calle Agustin Melgar y Rafael Buelna s/n
Emergencies (Fire, Red Cross, Police and Civil Protection)
066, 080
Servicio Telefónico Exclusivo-Phone Service Only-Service Téléphonique
Citizen Attention Bureau
072, 669 982 2111, 669 982 2060, 800 830 9065
A. Flores y G. Nelson s/n. Col. Centro
Clinique Hospital del Mar
669 983 1958, 669 983 1777
Avenida Revolución No.5 Col.Lopez Mateos
General Hospital Dr. Martiniano Carvajal
669 984 0233, 669 984 0246
Av. de las Américas y Ferrocarriles Nacionales s/n. Col. Santa Elena
Military Regional Hospital
669 985 6458, 669 981 2079
Venus No.1 esq. Angel Flores
Naval Hospital in Mazatlán
669 985 3078
Emilio Barragán, Col. Gabriel Leyva
Sharp Hospital
669 986 5678 al 84
Av. Rafael Buelna y Dr. Jesús Kumate s/n. Fracc. Hda.Las Cruces
Federal Prosecutor for the Protection of the Consumer (PROFECO)
800 468 8722, 669 982 3670
21 de Marzo No.808 Palacio Federal Col. Centro
Harbor Control and Administration
669 982 3019, 669 982 3611
Interior Recinto Fiscal s/n