The picturesque town of Tonatico

The picturesque town of Tonatico
Tonatico comes from the Nahuatl word Tonatiuh-co, Tonatiuh (Sun) and co (place) together form the meaning: place of the sun. Located only 15 mns from Ixtapan de la Sal, this little picuresque town is bordered on the north and west with the municipality of Ixtapan de la Sal, to the east Zumpahuacán and to the south with the city of Pilcaya (State of Guerrero). Its territory covers an area of 91.724km2. The governmental seat of Tonatico is located 153 km from the city of Mexico, 105 km from Cuernavaca, 84 km from Toluca and 68km from Taxco. The climate is subtropical and the average temperature is 25 c.
Most of its territory is located at 1.650 meters above sea level. With 2.125 meters, the Cerro de Tacuba is the highest elevation, and at 1.440m the Junta de los Rios is the lowest. The main economic activities are agriculture and tourism. It is the largest producer of onions in the state and has the highest yields of corn and tomatoes. Among its attractions are: The Shrine of Our Lady of Tonatico, the Hot Springs Spa, which gushes up from the ground and reaches up to 38 C, the Parque del Sol, located half a kilometer from Tonatico, this is a park that also includes wading pools, palapas, video games and is home to a cascade of salt water with forty-meter fall: waterfalls of Tzumpantitlán, and Star Caves located 8 km from Tonatico. Tonatico is rich in customs and traditions, emphasizing the traditional celebration of the Annual Tonatico Fair the last Sunday of January in honor of the Virgin of Tonatico which is one of the biggest festivals, and the Calvary Fair during Lent and Easter. Within the official celebrations are the distinguished Consummation of the War of Independence on September 26 and 27 with honors, parades and a reenactment of the armed struggle. On October 18, 1870, Tonatico acquired the status of Independent Municipality and its inhabitants the gentiles of Tonatiquenses.