Useful telephone numbers of Guanajuato
Useful telephone numbers for the tourist, emergency phone numbers, tourist aid in Guanajuato
Highway Information and Assistance Services (Green Angels Angeles Verdes)
Servicio Telefónico Exclusivo-Phone Service Only-Service Téléphonique
State Water Commission
47 3735 1812, 47 3735 1800
Autopista Guanajuato Silao Km.1
Mexican Federal Electricity Commission (CFE)
071, 473 732 0594
Blvd. Guanajuato No.11, Col. Nuevo Guanajuato
Honorary Consulate of the Dominican Republic
47 3732 4635
San MatÃas 23A, Col. San Javier
United States Virtual Presence Post
55 5080 2000
Servicio Telefónico Exclusivo-Phone Service Only-Service Téléphonique
Mexican Red Cross
473 732 0487
Avenida Juárez No.113, Col. Centro
Mexican Red Cross (Emergencies)
Servicio Telefónico Exclusivo-Phone Service Only-Service Téléphonique
Emergencies (Fire, Red Cross, Police and Public Safety)
Servicio Telefónico Exclusivo-Phone Service Only-Service Téléphonique
Volunteer Fire Department
473 732 3357
Pozuelos s/n Conjunto Pozuelos
IMSS Hospital (Mexican Institut of Social Security)
473 732 1128
JardÃn del Cantador 17, Zona Centro
General Hospital
473 733 1573
Campuzano No.5 Carr. de Cuota Guanajuato-Silao Km. 6.5 s/n
Civil Protection
473 735 1600
Casa Mata No.33 Loma de Pozuelos
Guanajuato Health Secretary
473 735 2700, 800 627 2583
Tamazuca 4, Zona Centro
Municipal Fire Department (SIMUB)
Servicio Telefónico Exclusivo-Phone Service Only-Service Téléphonique