Useful telephone numbers of Mazatlán

Useful telephone numbers for the tourist, emergency phone numbers, tourist aid in Mazatlán

  • MZT Mazatlán Airport Rafael Buelna

    01 (669) 982 2088, 982 2399

    Carretera Internacional al sur S/N, Col. Aeropuerto

  • Consular Agency of Canada

    669 913 7320

    Avenida Playa Gaviotas 202, Local 9. Zona Dorada

  • Consular Agency of United States of America

    669 916 5889

    Hotel Playa Mazatlán. Playa Gaviotas No. 202. Zona Dorada

  • Highway Assistance and Tourist Help (Angeles Verdes-Green Angels)

    078, 669 982 8740, 669 983 8875

    Servicio Telefónico Exclusivo-Phone Service Only-Service Téléphonique

  • Central Fire Station No.1

    669 981 2769, 669 981 3600

    Av. Gabriel Leyva No.1935. Col. Montuosa

  • Fire Station No.2 Insurgentes Zone

    669 983 9920, 669 984 0044

    Av. Insurgentes y Munich No.72. Col. Olímpica

  • Mazatlán Harbor’s Master Office

    669 982 8413, 669 982 1411

    Calle Playa Carrizo No.300, Fracc. Playa Sur

  • Mexico’s Federal Commission of Electricity (CFE)


    Servicio Telefónico Exclusivo-Phone Service Only-Service Téléphonique

  • Civil Protection

    669 984 4499

    Servicio Telefónico Exclusivo-Phone Service Only-Service Téléphonique

  • Mexican Red Cross in Mazatlán

    065, 669 981 3690, 669 985 1451

    Ave. Ignacio Zaragoza 1801. Col. Centro

  • Public Safety and Municipal Transit Department

    669 984 4499, 669 985 3510

    Calle Agustin Melgar y Rafael Buelna s/n

  • Emergencies (Fire, Red Cross, Police and Civil Protection)

    066, 080

    Servicio Telefónico Exclusivo-Phone Service Only-Service Téléphonique

  • Citizen Attention Bureau

    072, 669 982 2111, 669 982 2060, 800 830 9065

    A. Flores y G. Nelson s/n. Col. Centro

  • Clinique Hospital del Mar

    669 983 1958, 669 983 1777

    Avenida Revolución No.5 Col.Lopez Mateos

  • General Hospital Dr. Martiniano Carvajal

    669 984 0233, 669 984 0246

    Av. de las Américas y Ferrocarriles Nacionales s/n. Col. Santa Elena

  • Military Regional Hospital

    669 985 6458, 669 981 2079

    Venus No.1 esq. Angel Flores

  • Naval Hospital in Mazatlán

    669 985 3078

    Emilio Barragán, Col. Gabriel Leyva

  • Sharp Hospital

    669 986 5678 al 84

    Av. Rafael Buelna y Dr. Jesús Kumate s/n. Fracc. Hda.Las Cruces

  • Federal Prosecutor for the Protection of the Consumer (PROFECO)

    800 468 8722, 669 982 3670

    21 de Marzo No.808 Palacio Federal Col. Centro

  • Harbor Control and Administration

    669 982 3019, 669 982 3611

    Interior Recinto Fiscal s/n