Places to visit in Xalapa

Gallery of Contemporary Art

 Gallery of Contemporary Art

Gallery of Contemporary Art

(228) 817 0386.

Xalapeños Ilustres 135, Centro, Xalapa, Ver.. 91000.


Tuesday through Sunday 10:00 am - 07:00 pm

The Gallery of Contemporary Art of Xalapa houses the head office of the Instituto Veracruzano de Cultura (IVEC). Its two rooms display works of local artists, national and international stature. There are also a cinema, a cafeteria and a central courtyard turned into an open forum where take place performances in  theater and regional dance.

Open Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 19:00 hrs.

Photo Gallery

Local and national artists with international recognition are exhibited in its two rooms
Local and national artists with international recognition are exhibited in its two rooms
The courtyard were presentations are held
The courtyard were presentations are held
The gallery entrance
The gallery entrance
One of the special exhibits
One of the special exhibits
The cinema exhibit
The cinema exhibit
The museum hours
The museum hours

Location on map

(228) 817 0386.

Xalapeños Ilustres 135, Centro, Xalapa, Ver.. 91000.