CultureLas Cuatro Virtudes Cardenales (Sculpture)Xalapa

The sculptural monument of Las Cuatro Virtudes (The Four Virtues) was built in 1931 in  which was located the Huerta (vegetable garden) of the Convent of San Francisco and is considered Cultural Heritage of Xalapa, now is located in what is known as the Paseo del Ayuntamiento to the south of the Parque Juarez. It consists of an hemicycle that surrounds four sculptures representing the four Cardinals Virtues who are : Fortress, Justice, Prudence and Temperance. The first three were made by the sculptor Enrique Guerra in 1916 and the fourth is a copy of the one made of Tatatila marble by the sculptor  Armando Zavaleta  Leon and which can be seen in the fountain of the Empress Carlota in the Bosque de Chapultepec in Mexico City.


Location on map

Ignacio Allende, Centro, Xalapa, Ver.. 91000.