CultureConvention Center and PolyforumTuxtla Gutiérrez

Calzada Andres Serra Rojas, El Retiro, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chis.. 29034.

(961) 614 0975.


Monday through Friday 09:00 am - 05:00 pm

The Auditorio Poliforum Chiapas  is a building of unique architectural beauty that was designed by architect Abraham Zabludovsky, internationally renowned for his great contribution to architecture in the completion of his works. The auditorium provides a space for various purposes, such as the development of culture, arts and sports, as well as promoting tourism in its various manifestations.

The Chiapas Poliforum Auditorium, with a capacity for 3,875 spectators, is undoubtedly the only building with cutting-edge technology in the southeast of the country, having a computerized audio and lighting system, and a pneumatic system that allows for the removal of the seats to transform the area for basketball or soccer games, and boxing matches.



Location on map

Calzada Andres Serra Rojas, El Retiro, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chis.. 29034.

(961) 614 0975.