ArchaeologyTemple of QuetzalcoatlTeotihuacan

Ecatepec - Piramides Km. 24.600, Teotihuacan, Teotihuacan , Edo. Mex.. 55800.

(594) 956 0052.

$ 3.50

Monday through Sunday 09:00 am - 05:00 pm

At the end of the ceremonial complex of La Ciudadela at Teotihuacan, lies one of the most famous ancient temples of this archaeological site: The Temple of Quetzalcoatl.

This building is one of the most interesting structures in the city, because despite not having the megalithic size of its eternal companions (the Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon) its façade is unique.

Along the front and down the sides of the monument are the feathered serpent heads representing the mythical Quetzalcoatl, the ancient living demi-god of Mesoamerican culture.

There are also representations of water elements and of the god Tlaloc.


Location on map

Ecatepec - Piramides Km. 24.600, Teotihuacan, Teotihuacan , Edo. Mex.. 55800.

(594) 956 0052.