MuseumMuseum of the Battle of AngosturaSaltillo

Hidalgo Sur No. 211 , Centro, Saltillo, Coah.. 25000.

(844) 410 8205.


Tuesday through Saturday 10:00 am - 06:00 pm

The Battle of Angostura, also known as the Battle of Buenavista, is cited as a military combat between the U.S. and Mexico during the War of American Intervention.

It happened between February 22 and 23, 1847 at a place called Puerto de la Angostura, near the city of Saltillo in Coahuila state.  Despite the years, it is still a matter of controversy due to the sudden removal of General Santa Ana before an imminent victory by the Mexican Army.

It is considered the result of a tactical draw and the dissolution of the army of Zachary Taylor; the latter to reinforce the troops of General Winfield Scott who lead the second wave of the invasion.

The Museum of the Battle of Angostura tries to rescue (in a very general way, as a tribute) the memory of all those Mexican soldiers killed in action, and offers a rich display of objects found at the site of La Angostura (where the battle took place) and many informative details regarding this part of Mexican history.

Open Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Free admission.


Location on map

Hidalgo Sur No. 211 , Centro, Saltillo, Coah.. 25000.

(844) 410 8205.