ArchitectureThe House of the CorregidoraQuerétaro

Andador 5 de Mayo 20 calle 5 de Mayo, Centro, Santiago de Quéretaro, Qro.. 76000.


Monday through Sunday 07:30 am - 07:00 pm

This palatial mansion, whose construction was completed in 1770, was the scene of some very important historical events. After the founding of the city, the mansion hosted the royal houses, a jail, and then later the residence of her Ladyship, Doña Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez, who from this place managed to tell the priest Don Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla that the conspiracy had been discovered. Currently, it is the Government Palace.


Location on map

Andador 5 de Mayo 20 calle 5 de Mayo, Centro, Santiago de Quéretaro, Qro.. 76000.