CulturePalacio de Clavijero y Biblioteca Pública ( Palace of Clavijero and Public library)por: Travel by México

This is one of the most beautiful architectural group of Morelia. It is located at the corner of Nigromante and Madero avenue, near the Cathedral.

The Society of Jesus came to New Spain in 1572 and in 1574 settled in Patzcuaro, a city that was the seat of civil and religious powers of the state. Their work was evangelize and educate men of the newly created nation.

In 1580 the government and missionaries moved to Valladolid. The missionaries first  settled in a small precinct of the same place where now is the Palacio Clavijero. The Antiguo Colegio de San Francisco Javier began to be built on December 2, 1660, under the command of then-Bishop, Marcos Ramirez del Prado.