MuseumThe Wax Museum of GuanajuatoGuanajuato

Callejón de Trasgallo 82, Centro, Guanajuato, Gto.. 36000.

(55) 5300 1134.

$ 2.00

Monday through Sunday 10:00 am - 06:00 pm

Located opposite the main entrance of the Museum of the Alhondiga Granaditas in the historical center of the city, the Museo de Cera, or the Wax Museum of Guanajuato, was founded by C. Ernestina Hernandez Gúzman and sculptor Victor Hugo Yañez on June 30, 2006.

Together, they joined their dreams and ideals to create a new concept of a wax museum.

The wax figures made by artist Victor Hugo Yañez, leave the observer overwhelmed by his hyperrealism. New techniques were used in the process, such as: a higher number of volume per square centimeter, texturing of the skin pores and fingerprints on the hands, natural hair and eye prosthesis.

All these works are copyrighted in conjunction with the SOMAAP (Mexican Society of Authors for the Arts in Mexico). Mr. Raymundo Hernandez offers friendly guided tours.

The museum consists of 7 small thematic rooms:

1 - History of Guanajuato.
2 - Painting. Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo.
3 - Legends of Guanajuato.
4 - Religion. Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz and John Paul II.
5 - Traditions of Guanajuato.
6 - Cinema.

Hours are: 9:00 to 6:00. Cost is: Adults $ 25, Children and Students $ 15,and $ 10 pesos for seniors.



Location on map

Callejón de Trasgallo 82, Centro, Guanajuato, Gto.. 36000.

(55) 5300 1134.