ArchitectureCity Hall of CelayaCelaya

Alvaro Obregón 101, Centro, Celaya, Gto.. 38000.

(461) 618 7100.


Monday through Friday 09:00 am - 06:00 pm

Upon entering the City Hall of Celaya, on the sides of the stairs, you can admire several murals by Octavio Ocampo, a Celayense painter and sculptor famous for his creations in the metamorphic style.

Seen are the faces of the heroes of Independence and Revolution. On the ceiling there are allegories of literary movements and the supreme law of the country. They reflect events and characters from the history of Mexico like the conspiracy of Queretaro in the face of Hidalgo or the Hug of Acatempan in the eyes of Morelos; right down to the barrel he called the child. Murals of the Revolution: Francisco I. Madero and revolutionaries, Venustiano Carranza and Alvaro Obregon, the one-armed man of Celaya who lost the arm from a cannonball at Santana del Conde. Inside City Hall are also the busts of these characters with the coat of arms of Celaya on manufactured cardboard, a representative of the crafts of this destination.


Location on map

Alvaro Obregón 101, Centro, Celaya, Gto.. 38000.

(461) 618 7100.