MuseumThe San Miguel Fort- Campeche Archaeological MuseumCampeche

Av. Escénica s/n, Buenavista, Campeche, Camp.. 24039.

(981) 816 9136.


Tuesday through Sunday 09:00 am - 05:00 pm

The Museo Arqueologico de Campeche, Fuerte de San Miguel (formerly the Museo del Fuerte de San Miguel) was opened in 1986. This building consists of two floors built in the 18th century.
Its mission is to spread a historical overview of the cultures of the Gulf and Central Highlands. Within its mostly pre-Hispanic collection, it displays ceramic utensils, obsidian and stone tools, topics of religion and funeral customs of the Maya during the period prior to the arrival of the Spanish, the famous jade mask found inside a tomb at the archaeological site of Calakmul, and explanatory paintings about the interpretation of Maya writing and numbering.

Open Tuesday through Sunday: 8:00 to 7:30.



Location on map

Av. Escénica s/n, Buenavista, Campeche, Camp.. 24039.

(981) 816 9136.